Lookup ASN

This service enables you to look up an Alberta Student Number of a named individual who is at least 13 years old and has attended an Alberta EC-12 school, post-secondary, or a registered apprenticeship program.


Please read and complete the following declaration before proceeding.

I have the authority to submit this Alberta Student Number request for the individual identified in the following screens. I understand that identifying myself as someone else constitutes fraud for which I may be prosecuted. Click on the 'Accept' button to confirm your acceptance. By doing so you are indicating that you have read and understood this declaration and you are providing Alberta Advanced Education the noted certification and authorization. NOTE: For the purposes of this request, "legal guardian" means a parent (for students under the age of 18), guardian or legal representative.

Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Statement

The personal information collected as part of the Learner Registry System is being collected pursuant to section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSA 20000, c. F-25) and is being used for the issuance or confirmation of an Alberta Student Number in accordance with the information supplied on the following screens. Any questions concerning the collection of this personal information may be directed to the Help Desk who may be reached at

Phone: 780-427-5318

Toll Free within Alberta: 310-0000 then 780-427-5318